Again, we're terribly sorry. We're dying to post but we're just all really busy sial. You see we The High Levels are constantly challenging ourselves in a bid to outdo each other (think the Navy SEALs when they invented the Ironman Triathlon). As such, we are currently trying to see how many papers each of us can squeeze into a weekend period. Some of us however, are already on tilt...
So tell you what, I'll ramble on for a coupla paragraphs and we'll call that a post.
I got a call from a very excited tRYATHLETE last nite. It seems, Techno, Token and himself were recognized outside of FongSeng by a High Level reader.
To that High Level reader:If the boys seemed somewhat reticent it was only because they were taken aback by your approach and they were coming to terms with the enormity of the event as you spoke to them. tRY last nite and Techno when we spoke earlier assured me that had they been more collected and together, they'd have at the very least offered to buy you a tay..errr..teh-tarik if and after you had turned down their intial offer to autograph something. Token Manjen since this afternoon in fact, has been working on a script to more effectively engage such future approaches on the street.
Personally, I've known these lads for awhile now, and like me, they are all that extremely shy sort. Except maybe The HEAT who has had considerably more experience in dealing with this sort of publicity.
Which brings me to...
The High Level Team of the MonthThe High Levels would like to congratulate the NUS rugby team (albeit f@&#%$g belatedly) on winning the IVP tournament. You can catch them performing their Hakka live @ Taka this Saturday.
Finally...What I have learnt about myself this week:
That I don't speak Tamil well enough to conduct NE quizzes in Tamil. Then again its not really my fault. Growing up I never had friends called Jega or Loga or Kurumbian...Still don't, come to think of it.